Quality of life at work

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The definition of quality of life at work (QWL)

QWL: a major challenge for companies

The Quality of Life at Work is an issue for all companies. However, few of them implement concrete actions.

you know that 50% of employees are victims of stress at work in Europe, and that the annual cost of psycho-social risks for companies in France amounts to nearly 2.5 billion euros, it is difficult not to take the notion of QWL very seriously. But what do we mean by QWL anyway?

What is QWL?

The QWL is often perceived as a "suitcase word" where all actions related to well-being at work are grouped together. However, its true definition involves other essential elements.

stems from an awareness of the need to take into consideration the well-being of company personnel in their daily missions.

What are the challenges of quality of life at work?

Minimize work-related stress

New HR practices are emerging to deal with stress at work. Several levers can be used to limit absenteeism and turnover while helping preserve employees' mental health.

Reduce the risk of burnout and depression

89% of resignations are linked to burnout and a lack of managerial support. To deal with this scourge of burnout, discover how to better involve managers in the risk prevention process. Thanks to in-company coaching on their softskills, they will be able to improve their management performance.

Optimize team performance and turnover

QWL is not only about well-being but also about performance. How can you put in place the right processes to make your employees feel engaged and productive? As HR, you have a challenge to attract and retain talent. Build an action plan to provide a collaborative and inspiring work environment.

Maximize employee well-being on a daily basis

One of the main challenges for HR is to create the conditions for employees to flourish in their daily work. And how to make them "happy" while keeping an eye on their performance? To achieve this, you need to offer clear prospects for development, a stimulating and meaningful framework. Thanks to the implementation of rituals, team sharing moments and a feedback culture, discover how to maximize the well-being of your employees.

What actions and indicators to improve the quality of life at work?

Raise awareness of psychosocial risks

In a context of "great resignation" with more than 10% of resignations in France, between 2019 and 2021, managers have to face many uncertainties. It is therefore important to make them aware of psycho-social risks.

Investigate internally

Gather information through internal feedback. As HR Director, it is important that you take the pulse of your teams to take the necessary measures for their development. As far as management is concerned, these feedbacks are precious to implement the right actions.

Encourage employees to communicate

To maintain the commitment of your employees and build loyalty, it is important to establish a climate of trust. Simundia and its situational coaching® methodology allows you to facilitate communication between HR and employees.

Make disconnecting mandatory

With the generalization of hybrid work, the border between personal and professional life is thin. Therefore, among the perspectives of improvement, companies must impose disconnection times to their employees.

Keep an eye on absenteeism

It isn't easy to measure QWL with reliable indicators. The absenteeism rate data should be monitored because it can convey a message about employees' working conditions and well-being.

Measure team turnover

More and more companies are putting this indicator forward, particularly in their recruitment process, to reassure talented people about the company's atmosphere and well-being.

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Perfect formula, excellent coach! In a short time, easily available even with a complicated schedule. I recommend it.


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These sessions are very motivating because it's a time to work on personal aspects and find keys to developing their functions.

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Thank you very much for helping us. It gave me a new impetus to "attack" this new year with a new boost. This service is to be deployed more widely and communicate on its existence. It's great! 


These 3 hours were an excellent opportunity to help me think about my job evolution and shed an external and kind light on an unexpected point.

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This service is very useful when you are a new director but also throughout your career.

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Thank you. It allows each manager to work on his own difficulties. The group training sessions are interesting but the coaching allows to go deeper into a specific subject.

Daniel M.

For-mi-da-ble!!! After thirty years of experience, this coaching has opened my eyes, today I know what the problem is that I have to manage.

Daniel M.

For-mi-da-ble!!! After thirty years of experience, this coaching has opened my eyes, today I know what the problem is that I have to manage.

Daniel M.
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Simundia's coaching for Quality of Life at Work

Specific coaching topics

  • Stress management
  • Managing emotions
  • Adaptability to change
  • Conflict management
  • Self-confidence

Specialized coaches

For example:

  • Florence Lautredou, coach for 20 years, certified psychoanalyst
  • Séverine Desaulles, occupational psychologist by training, 30 years of experience in the field of HR development
  • Blaise Angel, coach and relaxologist, meditation trainer for over 20 years

Targeted content

As an illustration:

  • Webinar: "How to tame your emotions to release your potential" with Didier Hauvette, Simundia coach
  • Tool : "Living without interference", Sandrine Saliba
  • Video: "La cohérence cardiaque", David Lefrançois
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In 3 weeks, become a QWL expert

Specific coaching topics

  • Stress management
  • Managing emotions
  • Adaptability to change
  • Conflict management
  • Self-confidence

Specialized coaches

For example:

  • Florence Lautredou, coach for 20 years, certified psychoanalyst
  • Séverine Desaulles, occupational psychologist by training, 30 years of experience in the field of HR development
  • Blaise Angel, coach and relaxologist, meditation trainer for over 20 years

Targeted content

As an illustration:

  • Webinar: "How to tame your emotions to release your potential" with Didier Hauvette, Simundia coach
  • Tool : "Living without interference", Sandrine Saliba
  • Video: "La cohérence cardiaque", David Lefrançois

Our articles on QWL

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