This code is established exclusively for the practice of professional coaching.
It is binding on all Simundia coaches, and includes the SFCoach code of ethics.
It aims to formulate deontological benchmarks, taking into account the specificities of coaching as a process of accompanying a person in his professional life.
This code of ethics is therefore the expression of an ethical reflection; it offers general principles whose practical application requires a capacity for discernment.
Article 1 - Exercise of Coaching
The coach authorizes himself in conscience to exercise this function from his training, his experience and his supervision.
Article 2 - Confidentiality
The coach is bound by professional secrecy.
Article 3 - Supervision established
The professional practice of coaching requires supervision.
Article 4 - Respect of persons
Aware of his position, the coach refrains from exercising any abuse of influence.
Article 5 - Obligation of means
The coach takes all the appropriate means to allow, within the framework of the request of the customer, the professional and personal development of the coachee, including by having recourse, if need be, to a colleague.
Article 6 - Refusal to take charge
The coach can refuse to take charge of a coaching project for reasons specific to the organization, the applicant or himself. In this case, he indicates one of his colleagues.
Article 7 - Responsibility for decisions
Coaching is a technique for professional and personal development. The coach leaves the responsibility of his decisions to the coachee.
Article 8 - Request formulated
Any request for coaching, when it is taken in charge by an organization, answers two levels of request: one formulated by the company and the other by the interested party himself. The coach validates the request of the coachee.
Article 9 - Protection of the person
The coach adapts his intervention in the respect of the stages of development of the coachee.
Article 10 - Protection of the organizations
The coach is attentive to the profession, the customs, the culture, the context and the constraints of the organization for which he works.
Article 11 - Accountability to the client
The coach can only be accountable to the client within the limits established with Simundia.
Article 12 - Balance of the whole system
Coaching is exercised in the synthesis of the interests of the coachee and his organization.
The professional use of the title of psychologist is defined by article 44 of law n°85-772 of July 25, 1985, completed by article 57 of law n°2002-303 of March 4, 2002, which requires psychologists to be registered on the ADELI lists.
The present Code of Ethics is intended to serve as a rule for persons holding the title of psychologist, regardless of their mode and setting of practice, including their teaching and research activities. It is also binding on all persons, including research professors in psychology (16th section of the National Council of Universities), who contribute to the initial and continuing training of psychologists. Compliance with these rules protects the public from misuse of psychology and the use of methods and techniques that misrepresent psychology. The professional organizations that are signatories to the present Code are committed to making it known and to referring to it. To this end, they provide support and assistance to their members.
The complexity of psychological situations precludes the automatic application of rules. Compliance with the rules of this Code of Ethics is based on ethical reflection and a capacity for discernment, in observance of the following major principles:
The psychologist refers his practice to the principles laid down by national, European and international legislation on the respect of the fundamental rights of persons, and especially their dignity, freedom and protection. He/she endeavors to respect the autonomy of others and in particular their possibilities of information, their freedom of judgment and decision. It favors direct and free access for all persons to the psychologist of their choice. It intervenes only with the free and informed consent of the persons concerned. It preserves the privacy and intimacy of individuals by guaranteeing respect for professional secrecy. He respects the fundamental principle that no one is required to reveal anything about himself.
Psychologists derive their competence from:
- theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired under the conditions defined by the law on the professional use of the title of psychologist;
- regular updating of their knowledge;
- training in discerning their personal involvement in understanding others.
Each psychologist is responsible for his or her own qualifications. They define their own limits based on their training and experience. It is his or her ethical responsibility to refuse any intervention when he or she knows he or she does not have the required skills. Regardless of the context in which they intervene and any pressure they may be subject to, they must be prudent, measured, discerning and impartial.
In addition to his civil and criminal responsibilities, the psychologist has a professional responsibility. Within the scope of his professional competence, the psychologist decides and is personally responsible for the choice and application of the methods and techniques he designs and implements and for the advice he gives. He or she may perform different missions and functions: it is the psychologist's responsibility to distinguish between them and to ensure that they are distinguished.
The methods of intervention chosen by the psychologist must be the subject of reasoned explanation and contradictory argumentation of their theoretical foundations and their construction. The psychologist is aware of the necessary limits of his work.
The psychologist has an obligation not to exploit a professional relationship for personal, religious, sectarian, political, or other ideological purposes.
The methodological devices put in place by the psychologist respond to the reasons for his intervention, and to them alone. When designing his intervention, the psychologist takes into account the possible uses that could be made of it by third parties.
Article 1: The psychologist exercises different functions as a private practitioner, or as an employee in the public, associative or private sector. When the psychologist's activities are carried out by virtue of his or her qualification, the psychologist states his or her title.
Article 2: The fundamental mission of the psychologist is to ensure that the psychological dimension of the individual is recognized and respected. His activity concerns the psychological components of individuals, considered individually or collectively and situated in their context.
Article 3: Its interventions in individual, group or institutional situations are based on a diversity of practices such as psychological support, counseling, teaching of psychology, evaluation, expertise, training, psychotherapy, research and institutional work. Its methods and their objectives are diverse and adapted to the objectives of the request. Her main tool remains the interview.
Article 4: Whether working alone or as part of a team, psychologists must ensure that the specific nature of their approach and methods is respected. He respects those of other professionals.
Section 5: The psychologist accepts assignments that he or she considers compatible with his or her duties and skills.
Article 6: When requests do not fall within its competence, it directs people to the professionals likely to answer the questions or situations that have been submitted to it.
Article 7: The obligations concerning the respect of professional secrecy apply regardless of the practice setting.
Section 8: When psychologists participate in multiprofessional meetings to examine individuals or situations, they must limit the information they exchange to that which is necessary for the professional purpose. Taking into account the context, the psychologist must make every effort to inform the persons concerned in advance of his participation in these meetings.
Section 9: Before any intervention, psychologists must ensure the free and informed consent of those who consult them or participate in an evaluation, research or assessment. He must therefore inform them in a clear and intelligible manner of the objectives, methods and limits of his intervention, and of the possible recipients of his conclusions.
Article 10: The psychologist may receive, at their request, minors or adults protected by law, taking into account their status, their situation and the legal and regulatory provisions in force.
Article 11: The assessment, observation or long-term follow-up of minors or protected adults proposed by the psychologist requires, in addition to the informed consent of the person, or at least his or her assent, the consent of the holders of parental authority or legal representatives.
Article 12: When the intervention takes place in a context of constraint or when the person's capacity for discernment is impaired, the psychologist endeavors to create the conditions for a relationship that respects the psychological dimension of the subject.
Section 13: The psychologist's opinions may concern files or situations that are reported to him. However, his assessment can only concern persons or situations that he has been able to examine himself.
Section 14: In all assessment situations, regardless of the applicant, the psychologist informs the persons concerned of their right to request a counter-evaluation.
Article 15: Psychologists shall not use their position for personal, proselytizing or economic, emotional or sexual alienation of others.
Section 16: The psychologist shall present his or her conclusions in a clear and understandable manner to the persons concerned.
Section 17: When the psychologist's conclusions are transmitted to a third party, they shall respond cautiously to the question asked and shall include the psychological elements on which they are based only if necessary. Transmission to a third party requires the consent of the person concerned or prior information from the latter.
Section 18: Psychologists shall not engage in any intervention or treatment involving persons to whom they are personally related. In the event of a conflict of interest, the psychologist must recuse himself or herself.
Article 19: Psychologists may not use their position to support an illegal act and their title does not exempt them from the obligations of the common law. In the case of situations likely to affect the psychological or physical integrity of the person who consults him or a third party, the psychologist shall assess with discernment the course of action to be taken, taking into account the legal provisions concerning professional secrecy and assistance to a person in danger. The psychologist can inform his or her decision by taking advice from experienced colleagues.
Article 20: Documents issued by a psychologist must be dated and bear his or her name, ADELI number, job title, professional contact information, the purpose of the document and his or her signature. Only the psychologist who has written these documents is authorized to modify, sign or cancel them. The psychologist refuses to allow his or her reports to be transmitted without his or her explicit consent and ensures that his or her postal or electronic mail is kept confidential.
Article 21: Psychologists must have at their disposal, at the place of practice, suitable facilities, adequate premises to preserve confidentiality, and sufficient technical means commensurate with the nature of their professional acts and the persons who consult them.
Section 22: In the event that the psychologist is prevented or plans to interrupt his or her activity, he or she shall take appropriate measures, with the agreement of the persons concerned, to ensure the continuity of his or her professional activities.
Article 23: The psychologist's practice is not limited to the methods and techniques used. It is inseparable from a critical appreciation and a theoretical perspective of these techniques.
Section 24: The techniques used by the psychologist for assessment, diagnosis, orientation or selection purposes must be scientifically validated and up-to-date.
Article 25: Psychologists are aware of the relative nature of their assessments and interpretations. He takes into account the evolutionary processes of the individual. He does not draw reductive or definitive conclusions concerning the psychological and psychosocial resources of individuals or groups.
Article 26: Psychologists collect, process, classify, archive and keep information and data relating to their work in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. The same applies to notes that he may take in the course of his professional practice. When these data are used for teaching, research, publication or communication purposes, they must be treated with absolute respect for anonymity.
Article 27: Psychologists give priority to the actual meeting over any other form of distance communication, regardless of the communication technology used. The psychologist uses various telematic means (telephone, computer, instant messaging, cybercamera) and, because of the virtual nature of the communication, states and explains the nature and conditions of his or her interventions, his or her specificity as a psychologist and his or her limits.
Article 28: Psychologists practicing in private practice are free to set their fees, inform their clients of the amount of their fees at the first meeting and ensure that they agree.
Article 29: Psychologists shall support their peers in the practice of their profession and in the application and defense of this Code. They respond favorably to their requests for advice and assistance in difficult situations, in particular by helping to resolve ethical problems.
Article 30: Psychologists must respect the theoretical references and practices of their peers as long as they do not contravene the general principles of this Code. This does not exclude reasoned criticism.
Article 31: When several psychologists intervene in the same professional place or with the same person, they shall consult each other to specify the framework and articulation of their interventions.
Article 32: Psychologists have a responsibility to disseminate psychology and the image of the profession to the public and the media. He presents psychology, its applications and its practice in accordance with the ethical rules of the profession. He uses his right of correction to contribute to the seriousness of the information communicated to the public.
Section 33: Psychologists must use discretion in presenting the psychological methods and techniques they use to the public. They must inform the public of the potential dangers of their use and manipulation by non-psychologists. They must be vigilant as to the conditions of their participation in any publicly broadcast message.
Article 34: The teaching of psychology respects the ethical rules of the present Code. Consequently, the training institutions:
- disseminate the Code of Ethics of Psychologists to psychology students from the beginning of their studies;
- provide the references of the legislative and regulatory texts in force;
- ensure that reflection on ethical and deontological issues related to the different practices is developed: teaching, training, professional practice, research.
Article 35: The psychologist teaching psychology shall only participate in training courses that offer scientific guarantees regarding their aims and means.
Article 36: Trainers do not treat students as patients or clients. Their sole mission is to train them professionally, without exerting any pressure on them.
Article 37: The teaching presents the different fields of study of psychology, as well as the plurality of theoretical frameworks, methods and practices, in a concern for perspective and critical confrontation. It necessarily banishes indoctrination and sectarianism.
Article 38: The teaching of psychology includes disciplines that contribute to the knowledge of man and the respect of his rights, in order to prepare students to address issues related to their future practice in accordance with available knowledge and ethical values.
Article 39: Students are taught that psychological procedures concerning the evaluation of individuals and groups require the utmost scientific and ethical rigor in the choice of tools, their handling - caution, verification - and their use - professional secrecy and confidentiality -. Case presentations are made with respect for the freedom to consent or refuse, the dignity and integrity of the persons presented.
Article 40: Both academic and practitioner trainers ensure that their practices, as well as academic requirements - research papers, internships, participant recruitment, case presentation, examination boards, etc. - are consistent with the ethics of psychology. - are consistent with the ethics of psychologists. Faculty members who supervise internships, both at the university and in the field, ensure that interns adhere to the provisions of the Code, including those related to confidentiality, professional secrecy, and informed consent. The provisions governing internships and professional training (charters, agreements) must not contravene the provisions of this Code.
Article 41: Psychologists teaching psychology do not accept remuneration from any person entitled to their services by virtue of their position. He/she does not require students to participate in other activities, whether paid or unpaid, when these are not explicitly part of the training program in which the students are engaged.
Article 42: The evaluation must take into account the rules of validation of the knowledge acquired during the initial training according to the official procedures. It is based on the disciplines taught at the University, on the critical and self-evaluation capacities of the candidates, and it requires reference to the ethical requirements and the deontological rules of psychologists.
Article 43: Psychology courses intended for the training of non-psychological professionals shall observe the same ethical rules as those set forth in Articles 40, 41 and 42 of this Code.
Article 44: The purpose of psychological research is to acquire general knowledge and to contribute, if possible, to the improvement of the human condition. Not all research is possible or morally acceptable. Psychological knowledge is not neutral. Psychological research most often involves the participation of human subjects whose freedom and autonomy must be respected and whose consent must be informed. The researcher protects the data collected and is mindful of the fact that his or her conclusions carry the risk of being diverted from their purpose.
Article 45: The researcher conducts research only after having acquired a thorough knowledge of the existing scientific literature on the subject, formulated explicit hypotheses and chosen a methodology that allows them to be tested. This methodology must be communicable and reproducible.
Article 46: Prior to any research, the researcher studies and evaluates the risks and foreseeable inconveniences for the persons involved in or by the research. The persons must also be aware that they retain their freedom to participate or not and can make use of it at any time without it having any consequences for them. Participants must express their explicit consent, if possible in written form.
Article 47: Prior to their participation in the research, the persons solicited must express their free and informed consent. The information must be provided in an intelligible manner and cover the objectives and procedure of the research and all aspects likely to influence their consent.
Article 48: If, for reasons of scientific validity and strict methodological necessity, the person cannot be fully informed of the objectives of the research, it is permissible for his or her prior information to be incomplete or to contain deliberately erroneous elements. This exception to the rule of informed consent must be strictly reserved for situations in which complete information would risk distorting the results and thus calling the research into question. Hidden or erroneous information must never be provided on aspects that could influence the willingness to participate. At the end of the research, complete information must be provided to the person who can then decide to withdraw from the research and demand that the data concerning him or her be destroyed.
Article 49: Where persons are not capable of giving free and informed consent (minors, protected adults or vulnerable persons), the researcher must obtain written authorization from a person legally authorized to give it. Even in these situations, the researcher must consult the person who is to be the subject of the research and seek his or her agreement by providing appropriate explanations so as to obtain his or her assent under optimum conditions.
Article 50: Before any participation, the researcher undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the data collected. This data is strictly related to the objective pursued. However, the researcher may be required to provide a competent professional with any information he or she deems useful for the protection of the person concerned.
Article 51: The subject participating in research has the right to be informed of the results of the research. This information is offered to him by the researcher.
Article 52: The researcher has the duty to inform the public of the knowledge acquired without omitting to remain prudent in his conclusions. He shall ensure that his reports are not misrepresented or used in unethical developments.
Article 53: The researcher shall ensure that the effects of his or her interventions on those who have participated in them are analyzed. He shall inquire about the way in which the research was experienced. He shall endeavour to remedy any inconvenience or harmful effects that his research may have caused.
Article 54: When researchers and/or students involved in a training program with this objective participate in a research project, the basis of their collaboration must be made explicit in advance, as well as the terms of their participation in any publications, in proportion to their contribution to the collective work.
Article 55: When acting as an expert (reports for scientific publication, authorization to defend a thesis or dissertation, evaluation at the request of a research organization, etc.), the researcher is required to keep secret the projects and ideas of which he has become aware in the exercise of his expert function. He/she may not, under any circumstances, take advantage of them for his/her own benefit.