Case studies

How did the CEA support its managers remotely and in a personalized way?


of managers acknowledged that they had taken a step back and gained a better understanding of themselves as a result of their coaching.


managers from the CEA Marcoule site supported by Simundia coaching.

9,2 / 10

Average satisfaction rating of coachees

of managers acknowledged that they had taken a step back and gained a better understanding of themselves as a result of their coaching.
managers from the CEA Marcoule site supported by Simundia coaching.
9,2 / 10
Average satisfaction rating of coachees
HR Team
Valérie Roudil
Training Office Manager
Company background
Public research organization
Employees :  
+ 20 000
Country :  
9 of which France

HR issues and challenges

The CEA is a public research organization. Drawing on its recognized expertise, the CEA is involved in setting up collaborative projects with numerous academic and industrial partners. During the period of confinement, and then with the generalization of hybrid work, the CEA had to review the support systems for its employees in order to adapt to the new working methods.

It is in this context that Valérie Roudil, Head of the CEA's training office, called upon Simundia.

Operational issues

  • Propose solutions to the isolation of employees during the confinement period.
  • Adapting training devices for distance learning and hybrid work flexibility.

The Simundia solution

In addition to Simundia's digital coaching (3 one-hour sessions), the 100 managers were able to take an EQI test that provided them with the basis for an action plan before the sessions with the coach. The coaching format was particularly appreciated by the employees because the fact that it was short defused their fears and preconceived ideas related to coaching (perceived as time-consuming / cumbersome).

+ 100

Feedback from HR teams

"Coaching can bring a lot to a company, Simundia has been and still is a help, a support in this change. Some feedbacks testify to an improvement in perspective taking, in speaking, in organization and others note that they have a more adapted posture. A positive, enriching and innovative experience."

Valérie Roudil
Training Office Manager

Coachee feedback

"The results are very operational and the changes seen have been direct: it's the putting into action. At the end of the 3 coaching sessions, I took action and finally achieved the objective of my coaching."

Cyril Moitrier
Digital Transformation Manager

The results

Flexible deployment for hybrid working

The challenge for the HR teams was to support employees in an impactful and personalized way in a confined and then hybrid work context. This was achieved by deploying flexible and adapted remote coaching courses to provide the best possible support for each employee's professional issues, by adapting to each situation.

of women leave the tech industry after 8 years*.

An impactful digital format

An average score of 9.2/10 by all coachees. The vast majority highlighted the flexibility of the coaching as a strength, as the remote format enabled them to carry out the sessions from home or the office as and when they wished.

In 2020, women accounted for just 24% of senior managers and executives in France.

More serene employees

The results of this deployment from the employees' point of view: an improvement in their self-confidence, an increase in the confidence of their brakes in relation to their professional problems and, finally, an improvement in their productivity.

x 2
Multiplying the number of women in tech by 2 would boost EU GDP by 2*.
managers from the CEA Marcoule site supported by Simundia coaching.
of managers acknowledged that they had taken a step back and gained a better understanding of themselves as a result of their coaching.
9,2 / 10
Average satisfaction rating of coachees
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